Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cardigan Update

I've knit down past the armpits on my Gooseberry Cardigan.  Loving it so far, though it has been kind of slow going, between work and getting a bit sick this weekend.  But the yarn!  Oh, so soft.  And the color is so deliciously acidic.  So from here it's onward to waist shaping, then sleeves, then collar and buttonhole band. 

Also started up a scarf briefly while waiting for the arrival of needles from Knit Picks for the sweater.  It's the Destroyed Cowl, knit in Sundara Aran Silky Merino.  Only a start, but I figure it'll be a good purse knit when the sweater gets too big to carry around all the time...

So, no new FOs, but I'm working on it.  And happy.

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