Sunday, April 25, 2010

It doesn't count, but...

I have two finished socks sitting on the coffee table.  They're the first socks of two different pairs, so there's no new FOs to report, but I'm very happy with both of them.  The first is that Hedera I mentioned last time, and I've got a few inches of its match done, and the second is the March shipment of the always-thrilling Rockin' Sock Club.  I think we're still in secrecy mode on that one for now, but when we're allowed to reveal, I will do so.  It might be the most enjoyable sock pattern I've had the pleasure of knitting, and since it's STR, the yarn is of course delectable.

I have the problem of having a giant stash but only wanting to knit with STR.  I should probably just sell almost everything else, because every time I go looking for what to knit next, I head straight for my STR bins and ignore everything else.  Bad me. 

I've got a summer sweater's worth of non-STR I'm getting ready to cast on with.  Going to do this beauty in the yarn and even the colorway pictured.  It's so pretty in the photos I couldn't think of a single way to improve.  Should probably get started if I want to stand a chance of wearing it on our cruise...

And today I decided I needed a new Calorimetry for days like today when it's beautiful out but breezy.  We walked a few miles along the Charles this afternoon, and even though my body was warm from the exercise, my ears were cold from the breeze!  Maybe I'll whip one of those up tonight while watching tv.  I love one-evening projects - they make me feel like a knitting savant.

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